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I am happy to be teaching first grade again this year! I have two children and one very busy husband. I love to read and shop. I hope you enjoy our work. Come visit often!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Solar System

Today we learned all about the planets that make up our solar system. We listened to a song that told about each one. We learned that the sun just stays in one place and the planets go around the sun. We played a game called Roll and Color to practice identifying CVC words. We practiced sorting words and then read Fix It! to practice reading the words. We learned that the words in a book are written by the author and the pictures are done by the illustrator. We also learned that the part of the sentence that tells who or what the sentence is about is called the naming part. Every sentence should have a capital at the beginning, punctuation at the end and a naming part. Tomorrow we will talk about the telling part of a sentence.

Homework- Read Fix It! and answer the questions. Place the book in your book box and then bring the questions back tomorrow.