Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Just to catch you up!

Today, as you will find out, we made snow. I didn't quite realize how messy my little angels could get :)). Just to let you know, the 'snow' was made out of corn starch and shaving cream. It should come out of clothing pretty easily. Despite their appearance, they had a blast! 

The book orders that came home yesterday were set to be due on Friday. These orders were supposed to be sent home last week. Because of our snow days, I will make the due date Friday, March 6. 

The family letter for Unit 7 in math will come home tomorrow. We should have finished Unit 6 last week but we will be doing that tomorrow. 

Snow recipe: 

Gather all of your ingredients, containers and spoons. 
Add a full container of Corn Starch into a large bowl.
Add a full can of shaving cream to the Corn Starch.
Stir well.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Coral Reef Observations

Students used a hand lens to observe some of the coral reef creatures. Then they recorded their observations. We love to be scientists!

John's Birthday Celebration

John's aunt was so thoughtful to bring in cupcakes, chips, drink and a pinata to celebrate John's birthday. The children had a super time! Gracias Tia Ruth!!