Sunday, September 17, 2017


Who Stole the Cookies?

We used our hand lens to investigate a cookie caper. We made observations of the suspects' fingerprints to determine the person who took each type of cookie. We are great scientists!

Math Explorations

We have been learning about different resources that we can use to help us with math problems. We have explored these tools and strategies during our workshop time. Pattern blocks are one of the many tools we got to investigate. Check out the patterns and pictures we made while learning about the shapes.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Wow! Two weeks into our school year and we are learning so much. We became scientists on Friday when we discovered that we do many things that scientists do. We ask questions, explore, try again and make observations. We study how things work and we conduct experiments. We asked lots of questions after we investigated Magic Playdoh. Tell your family all about our discoveries. :))