We have been working hard to identify the genres that we are reading this year. The students drew symbols to help them remember what each genre means. The quiz will be on Thursday.
Students have also learned that we have two voices when we read... our reading voice and our thinking voice. The students record their thinking each day as they read their independent reading book. They have learned that good readers make connections, make predictions, ask questions and visualize as they are reading. This helps them to understand and remember what they are reading.
Right now we are reading
Anne of Green Gables as our read aloud. We are looking at Anne and her character. We have decided that Anne likes to talk a lot! Sometimes she includes details in her speaking that don't go along with her topic. In writing, we are working on many things that good writers do including: using capitals when necessary, using punctuation when necessary, writing in complete sentences, indenting new paragraphs, writing a topic sentence in our paragraphs, and making sure we stay on topic and don't add unnecessary details. Remember, don't be like Anne! :))